Receive Divine Guidance About Your Life. 

Cathy’s approach is simple, yet powerful: Using the language of the universal archetypes and symbols in the birth chart, the story of your authentic life path becomes clear.            



Your Life Story is In the Stars


“I am convinced that the universe is under the control of a loving purpose. And that in the struggle for righteousness man has cosmic companionship. Behind the harsh appearance of the world there is a benign power.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Where the celestial bodies were at the time of your birth aligns you with a specific energy. Mystics and scientists now share a belief in the unity of all life and matter in the universe. Everything is connected and everything is in a dynamic flux. You are part of this cosmic connection. And astrology provides the most accurate window to your unique and personal connection to this cosmic force.

Your Possibilities are Endless


Cathy uses astrology and the art of Tarot to provide help you understand the roadmap towards fulfilling your dreams. These two intuitive art forms help us to come to know how truly infinite our potential is. As they bring forth cosmic messages from the Divine about the endless possibilities available to us. With guidance and insight about how to achieve the impossible.

Unlike what’s often portrayed on on TV, intuitive readings are not about doom and gloom or a foreboding future. No. It’s about lifting you up and helping you to realize ALL that’s available to you.

Your Soul is on a Unique Journey

By receiving an astrology or intuitive reading, you will gain new insights and illumination that will open a new pathway to your most perfect expression. Life becomes a treasured journey when following the yearnings of the soul. Cathy’s services illuminate your soul’s unique path to wholeness and fulfillment. Including:

  • Honoring your unique talents and gifts

  • Understand your soul lessons

  • Create a successful path in life

If you’re currently feeling challenged or confused about any aspect of your life, then Cathy’s intuitive abilities and services will foster an empowered solution.

Unsure which services to select? Just email Cathy and let her know what’s going on in your life and she’ll guide you to the perfect service offering.