August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Leo



August 21st

We are lucky if once during our lifetimes, we can experience the impact of a total solar eclipse.  Those of you who are living in the United States along the 70-mile wide path of this astronomical event will be in for a spectacular treat. And yes, all of us have the potential to experience a transformational shift, maybe not that particular day and time, but quite possibly in the weeks and months following this eclipse.

The question that arises coming up to this rare event is: Who were you born to be?  This leads to another question: What is your soul’s gift to the world? The August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse at 28 degrees, 52’ LEO calls us to remember our divine destiny. Leo’s archetype reminds us that we are all individually unique with a particular set of strengths and talents. There has never been nor will ever be someone with your singular set of qualities and experiences. You are a sovereign being. Your mission is to be true to yourself. Your thoughts, words, and deeds shape your reality and the course of human evolution. This Leo Solar Eclipse urges us to realize the depth of our creative power.

The fifth sign of the zodiac represents the hero/heroine’s journey; to discover and express one’s true identity.  Hollywood produces many films/movies depicting the hero’s journey: the call to adventure, then faced with dire circumstances, we find the protagonist taking a leap into an unknown world and new path. Along the way mentors show up to guide the hero/heroine and of course villains test and challenge. These heroes and heroines are seen facing their worst fears and in doing so, are transformed and empowered.   Often times we see in these stories a death and rebirth experience with the climax occurring at the point when the hero or heroine receives his or her sword, ring, golden lasso, or holy grail.  (The grail is symbolic of finding the true self). The end of the story finds our heroine returning to her community sharing her found gifts and talents.

This solar eclipse will reveal where we are at in our personal journey.  The evolutionary path of our soul is very much a heroic effort.  Thus, we may just now be hearing the call to strike out on our authentic path, struggling with our demons, or truly taking empowered steps, but the fact is clear that we all are evolving. This is a powerful time to take up the gauntlet and head off to fight in the crusade. The North Lunar Node in LEO designates are spiritual frontier… we are learning to embody our heart-consciousness.  When we become heart-centered we become connected in love and unity to all that is.  This Eclipse lifts us in love and light.

Take the time before August 21st to prepare for insights that you may receive during this celestial event. Commune in nature, and take time to meditate and reflect. Write down your intentions and spend time affirming your deepest desires and wishes. Then get ready for the shift and transformation. Now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred. (Hafiz)


Cathy Basen

For most of my adult life, I have worked as an educator. Now, semi-retired from public school administration, I work part time as an education consultant.  However, my passion for decades has been my work as a professional astrologer and intuitive advisor.  My love for dialoguing soul-to-soul with people has rewarded me with amazing conversations and discourse.  I feel I have supported countless persons over the years by interpreting their astrology natal chart and also, reading Tarot cards as both serve as tools and methods to provide deep insights into the soul.