October 2016 Astrology News

Welcome to a new season!  For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we saw the fall equinox arrive on September 22, a day after Mercury stationed direct from a difficult retrograde motion in Virgo.  Actually most of the month of September presented challenges and emotional upheavals as the energy of the two eclipses (September 1st and September 16th) worked their way through our lives.  Here are some effects of the cosmic events in the past month, culminating with a Black Moon on September 30th:

v Change in health habits and regular routines

v Opportunities to begin new actions in your life.

v Ability to heal the split within your psyche between spirit and matter.

v Taping into your emotions to work as a vehicle for change in your perspective, your thinking, your beliefs, and yes, your actions.

v Acknowledging we live in a multi-dimensional world.

Now with the recent event of the Black Moon (New Moon) in Libra on September 30th we are able to bring balance within our relationships and to see how we honor ourselves within the context of our significant others and partnerships. Both the equinox and the time of Libra call to us to think of what is out of balance in our lives.  This is the question that comes up for all of us.  And, the answer comes by setting our intentions around this lunar event.  For those of you who want to bring more ritual into your lives around the new moon, I have linked you to an article on how to make new moon wishes a reality.

The event that brings the greatest significance this month is the full expression of Jupiter entering Libra.  Jupiter represents growth, expansion, and good fortune in our charts.  When Jupiter is in Libra, relationships flourish and grow.  Also, our incomes can grow as well.  Also, along with Jupiter, the Sun in Libra emphasizes a time that looks for reconciliation of opposites, especially the masculine and feminine aspects of our lives, and the balance of our own self-interests with the interests of others.  Remember opposites attract to become whole. To achieve unity (the theme of the September 16th Lunar Eclipse) we have to integrate dichotomies.

Jupiter is useful to all of us as it helps to expand our perspective. Jupiter is a philosophical and spiritual sign representing the higher mind. Also, with Jupiter we can tap into a higher intelligence.  Freud referred to this as our super-ego, the higher consciousness.  This higher awareness is able to communicate in a multi-dimensional world.  There is always this possibility, however, October 31st, and November 1st, we enter a time when the veil between the various dimensions thin and we can meet with both dark and light forces.  During this time period, which includes a New Moon in Scorpio on October 30th, we can experience how darkness dances with the light. Sometimes we forget we live in two-worlds: duality exists.

Since Jupiter in Libra is present for the next twelve months, we will have opportunities to bring balance into our lives, particularly where we need to restore stability.  Wherever Jupiter is passing through your chart, you will be able to bring balance to two opposing forces.  It is interesting that six years ago, Jupiter was in the opposite sign of Aries.  At this time during the year 2010 to 2011, we may have been driven to start something new such as a career, a relationship, or a new health regimen.  This is what Aries does:  it initiates things out of the ego and identification with the “self”.  Now in 2016 to the October of 2017, Jupiter will respond to the echo of Jupiter in Aries by looking at decisions made then and how things have come to fruition. Now for the next twelve months we are reconciling actions taken five to six years ago, particularly within the context of our relationships. 

Let me provide an example of what I am proposing with Jupiter in Libra as an echo to six years ago in Jupiter in Aries.  A woman I know well has her Sun and Moon in Libra.  During 2010 she gave birth to her first child (during the time Jupiter was in Aries).  Since that birth, this child has been the center of her family and has posed interesting dynamics within the family unit, including another child being born in 2013 when Jupiter was in Cancer at a 90-degree angle to both Aries and Libra.  This added a new dynamic, even major tension to her family interactions.  However, as we come to current times, particular with the Libra Sun/Moon going over this woman’s natal Sun/Moon in Libra on September 30th, and with Jupiter in the mix with these celestial bodies, a new energy is creating a reconciliation of relational patterns within this woman’s family. As an astrologer, I predict that greater peace and harmony will be present.  There may be even further heightened consciousness about what will work between husband, wife, mother, father, and children.  Jupiter in Libra could bring new equilibrium: taking each individual from ego-self (Aries) to eco-self (Libra), going from self to “other”. 

Another interesting transit that happens soon and connects to the Libra theme of relationships is Pluto in Capricorn at a hard angle to Sun in Libra, October 8th.  Pluto is the powerful force of transformation that releases or kills off what is not beneficial to the evolution of our soul.  When Pluto and the Sun are at ninety degrees of each other, something has to give.  This transit of Pluto will allows us to conduct a slow and thorough investigation of behavior and patterns in our lives that we have covered up due to our addictions, our neediness, and our co-dependent tendencies.   Pluto allows us to get to a deep soul level to find our truth, to connect with our authentic selves. This means that when we get away from those illusions that we keep within a “false” ego-self, we can truly discover that we are all beings of LOVE and LIGHT


Cathy Basen

For most of my adult life, I have worked as an educator. Now, semi-retired from public school administration, I work part time as an education consultant.  However, my passion for decades has been my work as a professional astrologer and intuitive advisor.  My love for dialoguing soul-to-soul with people has rewarded me with amazing conversations and discourse.  I feel I have supported countless persons over the years by interpreting their astrology natal chart and also, reading Tarot cards as both serve as tools and methods to provide deep insights into the soul.